As required by state law, the implementation of Concord’s ordinance on rent stabilization and just cause for eviction that was adopted by the City Council on March 5, 2024, has been suspended. 

The ordinance was scheduled to go into effect on April 4, 2024. On March 8, the City Clerk received a proposed referendum petition, indicating plans to gather signatures to place a referendum on the November ballot.  

The City Attorney has 10 business days to prepare and issue an impartial summary. Following this step, the petitioners will have 30 calendar days to gather the required number of valid signatures to allow the referendum to move forward. Signatures are verified through the County Clerk, and there must be 7,204 valid signatures from registered Concord voters to qualify. 

If the petition qualifies, the Concord City Council will have the choice of repealing the ordinance or placing it on the November ballot to let the voters decide.  

In January 2023, the Council expressed its desire to enact tenant protections and reiterated that goal in Concord’s Housing Element. Since then, the Council has held eight public meetings on this topic and has heard from dozens of property owners and tenants. 

The ordinance amends Concord Municipal Code Chapter 19.40 Residential Tenant Protection Program and increases the “just cause” eviction protections, expands the City’s rent registry, and establishes a rent stabilization program. 

The referendum process is controlled by state law. City staff will share more information in the coming days. 

A summary of the ordinance and a link to the complete ordinance can be found at