By Colleen Coll

On May 24, 2022 SeeNo and his controversial partner, Phil Tagami, who contributed $2,500 dollars to Ken Carlson Supervisor campaign, proposed amendments to their CNWS original proposal. Seeno/Tagami represent 55% of Concord First Partners.
Guy Bjerke, whose salary is paid by SeeNo/Concord First Partners, is Concord’s Reuse Director. He reported to Council that the Navy said, “No to SeeNo/Tagami’s amendments.” SeeNo/Tagami were proposing a controversial scheme to negotiate a Development Agreement before the Environmental Impact Report. The Navy said that SeeNo/Tagami must follow the rules. This is not the first time the Navy has said,”No to Seeno.”
Guy Bjerke, Concord’s Reuse Director concurred with the Navy findings, and asked the Council to deny SeeNo/Tagami’s scheme/amendments. The Council agreed with staff and the Navy, who still holds title to CNWS, so the Seeno/Tagami amendments were denied.
But, unfortunately, Councilmember Laura Hoffmeister made a motion to extend Seeno/Concord First Partners expiration date to submit their Term Sheet from May 25, 2002 to January 2023. There lies Concord’s problem. Her motion was approved by the Council 4-1.
Had the Council voted for the SeeNo/Concord First Partners Term Sheet to expire on May 25,2022, SeeNo would have been forced to walk allowing Concord Council to enforce the will of the public and reopen negotiations with Brookfield Properties and Alex Mehran, who is on the Brookfield Properties team.
Alex Mehran’s father owned and developed Bishop Ranch, where many Concord residents work.
Alex Mehran testified on August 21, 2020, and identified himself as a Brookfield Properties team member who is a highly respected ethical businessman in Contra Costa County. He would bring financial resources and “class” to the City of Concord.
So, it is up to you Concord voters to email your councilmembers and voice your opinion against SeeNo/Concord First Partners.
Thank you.
Colleen Coll, former Mayor of Concord