By Sheri Nelson, Marketing, The Local Shop
The benefits of embracing social media to market your small business are abundant yet many can’t find the time, content, and bandwidth to build social media posts that promote their product or service.
Enter the vibrant and unstoppable Mandy Smith, owner of The Resistance Gym, in Concord. I happened upon Mandy on Instagram and was immediately pulled into her journey as she and her team moved their entire gym from one side of Clayton Road to another.
Her simple and yet savvy social media marketing strategy is a good example from which others could learn. Here is how Mandy uses social media to move her business forward.
Mandy started by sharing her journey through social media. She knew the kind of gym she wanted to open – a place that was inclusive to everyone including all body types, abilities, and lifestyles, and where everybody who walked in felt at home.
She shared this dream on social media piquing the curiosity of her readers, engaging them as potential members. Through social media, Mandy included everyone on the progress of the new gym as well as when she got her key and brought equipment in to the space. Her posts made those looking for a new gym experience an immediate part of The Resistance Gym community.
When Covid closures hit on none other than the opening day of Mandy’s gym, she used social media to pivot her business and start online and outdoor classes. She also rented out her new gym space to individuals to train on their own (with a vigorous cleaning after each rental.)
Once The Gym re-opened, Mandy welcomed everyone back on social media and they came!
When The Resistance Gym moved to its new location, Mandy posted how they had outgrown the current spot and highlighted all the positives for the new gym allowing members to be “in the know” before they even set foot inside.
She tested different social media platforms finding that Facebook attracted older members while Instagram and Instagram Reels connected with younger members. Her social media followers are with her every step of the way asking questions and giving support. One member who saw Mandy posting about painting the new space responded by calling to say she had purchased the paint and would be over that night to get the process started!
Mandy’s always collecting content. When she’s in the gym, Mandy makes a point of grabbing 4-10 video clips each time and saving for future posts. This way she always has those important visuals to go with her text.
Mandy schedules her posts once per day or once per week using Hootsuite. She also uses this time to respond to any comments on her posts or DMs (direct messages.) She rotates the content for her posts from a set group of topics that interest her followers including “how-to” videos, highlights about a client or product, or posts about herself and her family.
She suggests tagging any products for additional visibility and asking questions in your posts to engage followers. Have a plan in place for negative comments and be true to your vision. Followers are there for your story, not anyone else’s.
Mandy learned to be patient with social media. Response to your posts can be feast or famine. You put in the work and at times it can feel like no one is there but they’re just waiting for the right time to connect.
Mandy can validate that today’s customers are making purchases on social media. When she sees momentum on her social media she also sees growth in her sales.
Because Mandy is inclusive in her social media, her customers feel a part of her story. Mandy says “they will match your energy” in what you post. They can see who and what they’re supporting and get to know you as a part of their community.
Follow Mandy and find out more about The Resistance Gym on Instagram or Facebook at theresistancegym.
Sheri Nelson is a passionate marketer helping local businesses make a connection with consumers. She spent 27 years in Bay Area radio before starting The Local Shop. Follow her on Instagram for more tips at the_local_shop_bay_area or email her your questions at