The Diablo Gazette features people and events in each of the cities served.

Delivered to homes via mail, driveway, at approximately 175 business and community locations for free pick-up in Concord, Clayton, Walnut Creek, Martinez, and Pleasant Hill. All ads are interactive and posted Online at

AD SIZECirc: 15,000Camera Ready
 DimensionsOpen/3 mos.
Full Page9.85″x13.85″$1380 / $1100
Half Page9.85″ x 6.85″$860 / $750
Quarter Page4.85″ x 6.85″$460 / $400
Eighth Page4.85″ x 3.50″$345 / $285
Mini Box3″ x 2.5″$99 / $75
Sticky, Ad Front2″ x 2″$150

Industry Insights: Be the Expert. Author your own industry news. (Ad plus Article) 1/8pg. ad plus 400 words $500; 1/4 pg. ad, 400 words $700 (minimum 6 months); article must be non-commercial in nature and subject to publisher’s approval.

Front and Back Page reserved placement add 25% to Open Rate.  (Content restrictions may apply)

Advertorials  400 words  $460

Color add 10%.

*All ads run online at (avg. 21,000 online readers) at no additional charge and are hyperlinked.

Design: $75/hr., 2 hr. max.


Rates effective: 3/01/2024. Rates subject to change without notice. Ask about Ratelock.

CONTACT: David King

Diablo Gazette: PH: 925-298-9990