ADDRESS                      ITEMS FOR SALE

1650 Agagir St                    Art, jewelry, lanyards, furniture, games, clothing, toys

1658 Agadir St                    Clothing, household items

1706 Agadir St                    DVDs, drones, skateboards, misc bins & racks

1715 Agadir St                     Kitchenware, clothes, toys & misc.

1754 Agadir Ct                   Golden State Warrior apparel, antique tea cart, vintage, crafts(fabric & yarn), clothing

1530 Amhurst Way           Children’s toys, & housewares

952 Bannock Ct                Teen & adult clothing, kid’s bike, kids sports equipment

953 Chandler Ct                Furniture, clothing, household & kitchen items, toys, home decor, books, DVDs

950 Chandler Ct               Household items, weed whackers, clothing, inflatable spa, car accessories, floodlight

954 Chandler Ct                Mini fridge, electric pole saw, men’s bike, Sony Vega gaming HDTV, men’s Avon bottles, collectibles, games, scrap wood & ceramic tiles, other household

960 Chandler Ct               Kitchenware, clothes, bike, vanity sink, luggage & misc.

1007 Claremont Dr          Barbie house, car, camper, bike & accessories. Household, clothing, shoes, misc.

981 Dar Ct                            Kitchenware, golf items, clothing, picture frames, games, ping pong table, commercial display case

955 Duar Dr                        Clothing & household items

957 Duar Dr                        Women’s clothing & shoes, dining set, bean bag chair, jigsaw puzzles, books, housewares, pet supplies, Subaru Crosstrek roof rails 1850 Gilardy Dr Clothing, furniture, household items, antique/vintage items

1771 Getoun Ct                  Household items

951 Getoun Dr                   Tools, clothing, kitchen items, kids items

1721 Gilardy Dr                  Misc. clothing, scrubs, kitchen items, toys, doll house, books

1851 Gilardy Dr                   Camping gear, artwork, art supplies, collectibles, kitchenware, silverware, toys, auto parts, fishing gear, & clothing

1920 Gilardy Dr                  Girl’s clothing, furniture, pet accessories, electronics

1715 Kasba St                      Clothing, household items, books, plants

1755 Klier Dr                        Bookshelves, office chairs/tables/supplies, tents, shop vac, kitchenware, decor, video camera, video player,cassette player, other household items

1798 Klier Dr                       Household items, clothing, furniture, some vintage

1780 Lambeth Ln             Pyramid heater, tools, books, dishes, photo frames

1876 Lambeth Ln              Clothing, household items, refrigerator, quality quilting fabric

1597 Nuala St.                     Whole House Estate Sale

1658 Nuala St                     Tables & chairs, kitchen items, wall clocks, computer desk

1666 Nuala St                     This yard sale is mostly FREE! Huge collection of boy/girl clothes, NB-2 years, .50-$1.00. Women’s clothing, size small. Some furniture, super cheap! Knick knacks & household items for FREE

1730 Nuala St                     Master machinery saw table, games/toys/bike, kitchen items/small appl, camping gear, picture frames

970 Oasis Dr                       Honda commercial lawnmower, Stilh leaf blower & weed eater, music instruments, stainless steel “Flying Pig” wash/groom station, dog shampoo/conditioner, shoes, books, kitchen items, DVDs, electronics, plastic

chairs & tables + more

1756 Sargent Rd.               Items from 3 homes: women’s, men’s & children’s clothing, shoes, toys, art & vintage home decor

1748 Sargent Rd               Rototiller, h& & power tools, home repair items, craft items, costume jewelry

1809 Sargent Rd               Purses, shoes, clothing, small appliances, collectibles

1856 Sargent Rd                Clothing, jewelry, Pokemon cards, toys

955 Treg Ln                         Jewelry, clothes, mosaic supplies & glass cutter, cork reefs, sm furniture, garden items & misc. household

959 Treg Ln                         3 tree size ceramic pots, tools, clothing(denim,shoes, jackets), artwork, frames, jewelry

1571 Whitman Rd              Video games/consoles,jewelry,clothing,camping gear, weights, ceiling lamps, yoga maps, party items, vintage, speakers, portable Fan/heater, portable heater, flash-freeze dryer, shutters

1581 Whitman Rd             Household items

1736 Whitman Rd             Antiques, grills, mini dirt bike, audio/stereo equipment, tools, toys, bikes, kitchen

1751 Whitman Rd              HOT DOGS, household items

1801 Whitman Rd             Household items

1820 Whitman Rd            Furniture, Wall Art, Home Decor, Clothes, Lamps, Misc Household, Tools, Books

1860 Whitman Rd            Solid oak roll-top desk, men’s bike, piano, DVDs, Household items

1961 Whitman Rd             Electric garden tools, furniture, electronics, toys artwork, infant/child/women’s clothing, aquarium/reptile supplies, artwork

1409 Whitman Rd            Household items, clothing/snow gear, wall art, electronics, double stroller, hiking baby carrier/backpack (off Mohr Lane)

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